London July '05

London July '05
Originally uploaded by HEATH!.
My buddy Dave gave me the hi hat on finding me and picking me up, so I trudged around in the rain, crestfallen, feeling a bit like little Oliver Twist must have felt. Must have. Finally I made it to Oliver's pad, his room-mate letting me in, and I crashed hard. The next few days were wedding stuff w/ Dave and Amanda, then I played my two shows, the Six String and the Brixton Telegraph. The shows were so much fun it was crazy. Very small crowds, local kids, and/or friends of the various bands that had tagged along to see their buddies rock. I was pretty nervous at first, but it all worked out. I met this guy Ceri ( hard C) who booked the 6 String, super nice, and he ended up coming to the states and crashing on my couch to play a few shows in L.A. after checking my example. Bitchin'. The promotors all paid me something, which was very generous, and gave me free beers. I was giving away 6 song discs, and wound up making money on them, which was a huge surprise. I'll talk about France in my next post. Back to England. My last gig was the most rocking ...more people there...Cathrine and her mother Pammie did Katy, a friend I made a few years ago at Les Deux Cafes...and Oliver's room mates Sean and...ahh...damn, I forget his name. I hadn't had such a consistantly enthusiastic response to my music in a long time, and it was very nice. I ran out of CD's, filled up my e-mail list, and decided that I was coming back regularly, or moving there for good.